Toopy And Binoo Wiki

This is the transcript for the episode Just Like What A Cat And Mouse Do.


Narrator: We now return to Marshmallowville, with voice actors Frank Meschkuleit, Jennifer Seguin, and Holly Gauthier-Frankel.

Marshmallow: You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

Marshmallow 3: I don't like you now.

Binoo: Toopy, I need the TV.

Toopy: Why is Patchy-Patch wearing a top hat?

Binoo: Because Toopy, tonight, we suck on the finest season of the television show; it's the season finale of the Punk Rockers!

Toopy: The what?

Binoo: The Punk Rockers! It's GROUND-BREAKING! It's a Canadian show about a band dealing with slight changes.

Toopy: Oh. I thought that got cancelled.

Binoo: No. That was The Great Mamadou's Live Show.

Toopy: Or even the one that had that building boats thing?

Binoo: No. That's Build a Boat for Treasure.

Toopy: All these shows sound the same! Who's in this one?

Binoo: Juliet Prauge.

Toopy: Who's that?

Binoo: Juliet Prauge? Oh come on! From the voice actor of a character of Bali? Their parents were like, so awesome! [Sighs] She also had a voice act in some other show.

Toopy: Oh yeah! She's cool.

Binoo: God! You're a noob! Like a guy who cheats on his left hand with his RIGHT hand!

Mr. Genie: I would like to stay, but I just called back into the office! What do you want from me?! I'm sorry, alright?! JUST GET OFF MY BACK! I'm outta' here! God! It took me forever to get away from- [Banging noise]

Mr. Genie: OH MY GOD! No! What have you done?! Wait! Stop! No, please! I'm begging you!


[Mr. Genie cries]

Binoo: Oh! It's starting! I'm gonna live tweet the show and ruin it for EVERYONE at other time zones!

Super Liz: I would like to learn some stuff.

Mr. King of Hearts: Everything I heard is stupid.

Binoo: Oh! Oh! This is the FASTEST-MOVING episode I've EVER SEEN! Wouldn't it be marvelous to be part of a family like THAT?

Toopy: Haha! I found that chicken and hay!

Toopy and Binoo’s Dads: Unga Bunga! Unga Bunga! Unga Bunga!

Binoo: What was that? What's happening!

Toopy and Binoo’s Dads: Unga Bunga! Unga Bunga! Unga Bunga!

Toopy: Dude! What are you doing?

Toopy‘s Dad: Playing Unga Bunga! It's the Championship!

Binoo: Go away! This is why Mr. Raccoon estimates our house at $3.00!

Toopy: What the heck is Unga Bunga?

Toopy’s Dad: Two guys run at each other with mattresses, and... That, that, that's kind of it!

Binoo’s Dad: Stop explaining it to the mouse! LET'S DO THIS!

[Toopy and Binoo’s dads run at each other. Binoo’s Dad gets pushed and breaks the desk]

Binoo: Stop it! I'm trying to watch my programme!

Toopy’s Dad: Whoa, Mr. Leo! Look! Mr. Elephant is wearing clothes!

Binoo’s Dad: Where?

Toopy’s Dad: You creep!

[The TV drops on Binoo’s Dad and gets cracked]

Binoo: [Gasps] Nooo!

Toopy's Mom: Mr. Max, what is going on in here-

Toopy’s Dad: Unga Bunga!

Binoo: [Sadly] You! You FATHERS! YOU RUINED MY NIGHT! I asked for ONE THING in this house!

Toopy: Binoo, just watch your show UPSTAIRS!

Binoo: [Sadly] I don't want to watch it upstairs on the small TV! I wanna watch it DOWNSTAIRS on the BIG TV! I WANNA WATCH MY SHOW!

[[[Binoo]] "almost" acts like Caillou]

Toopy's Mom: Oh man! Binoo's crying! Come here sweetie!

[[[Binoo]] bites Toopy’s mother’s tail]

Toopy’s Mom: Ow! Screw you, you little turd!

[[[Binoo]] throws the picture of Toopy and Binoo himself at the door]

Binoo's Mom: What's all that noise? Aw... Do you want a hug from your mother?

[[[Binoo]] throws a rock at his mom]

Binoo's Mom: OW!

[They all eat dinner, while Binoo is in Toopy and Binoo's bedroom]

Toopy: Now where were we? Oh yeah!

[[[Toopy]] farts in front of Mr. Dragon's face]

Mr. Dragon: Ahhh! Toopy, get away from me!

Toopy: [Inaudible]

Mr. Dragon: TOOPY! STOP IT! TOOPY, GO AWAY! [Screams and pukes on the floor]

Toopy: Oh, in the kitchen Mr. Dragon!

Mr. Dragon: Screw you for making me puke!

Binoo: I am so done with this place! I don't belong here any longer!

Binoo: I’ll make you start harassing each other

Binoo: Whoops, sorry. I’ll make you start being friends with each other. [Pukes]

[Episode ends.]
